Bike Fitting

After many years of experience the Cycle Care staff have acquired the knowledge to accurately ensure the correct size of bike to suit your requirements. Having said that, if you want do some fine tuning and to get the most out of your current bike then it’s well worth getting a professional bike fit.
So why get a bike fit?
Increased riding comfort.
Improved performance.
Helps prevent injuries developing.
Don’t wait until you’re in prolonged pain or training for the Tour de France to benefit from a professional fitting. Anyone who rides a bike will see a benefit.
Bike riding is generally assumed to be a simple action, but it is actually quite scientific and a very complex interaction, especially if you plan on riding fast, or regularly, or for long periods of time. A bike fit is not just about getting a speed performance gain and it’s not just for elite cyclists. It can help improve comfort, reduce the risk of injury, increase bike handling ability and also increases safety. All of these are even more relevant to those new to cycling or with limited knowledge.
Clearly if you ride a bike and suffer any discomfort, then it is time to seek help.
If you plan to increase your mileage significantly, get your position checked by an expert before you embark on an ambitious new training plan. This can help you avoid injury, or suffering with unnecessary pain.
At Cycle Care, for only £85, Simon will take you through a step by step process to ensure that your riding position and bike set up is perfectly adjusted to provide maximum comfort & performance. You can have this done on a newly purchased or existing bike.
To see our bike fit service just watch the video below: